Friday 9 June 2017

How to Build and Maintain a Hedge around Your Marriage According The Book Of JOB 4:5, 10; Joshua 24:15

The man is the head of the woman (1Cor. 11:13), so it is the man’s responsibility to provide an hedge for the woman and by extension to the home. As the husband it is upon you to ensure that your family has a hedge over them. In fact wives and children naturally trust their husband and father to protect them always. However, it is God who builds the hedge as we see in job’s case. It was Satan who said God had a hedge around job and his family. Can the Devil testify about your home and marriage that God has a hedge around you? Without a divine hedge around you and your family the devil will have a field day in your marriage. And if your marriage is not covered then your home cannot be covered. Another way to say this topic is “how to get your marriage covered”.

To build means
1.   to make something by putting together parts or material
2.   to develop or form something
3.   to increase the amount of something
4.   To form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole
5.   To develop according to systematic plan by a definite process or a particular bass

To maintain means
1.   To cause something to exist or continue without changing
2.   To keep something in good condition by making repairs, correcting problem
3.   To continue having or doing something
4.   To keep an existing state: preserve from failure or decline
5.   To sustain against opposition or danger: uphold and defend

A hedge means
6.   A row of shrubs or small trees that are planted close to each other in order to form a  boundary
7.   something that provide protection or defense
8.   A fence or boundary form by a defense row of shrubs or low trees
9.   A means of protection or defense

Who put an edge in your home? It is the lord of host that builds a hedge around His people. However, there are things we must do to experience His hedge around us. 

How You Can Build And Maintain A Hedge Around Your Marriage And Home.

The following are some ways a man can follow to build and maintain hedge around his marriage and family.

1.   Raising and maintaining prayer altar in your home. Job. 1:5; Philip. 4:6-7. You must develop a life of prayer together. The man must learn to pray with his wife from time to time, have a regular family devotion. A family that prays together does not only stay together, but also is protected by God together and grow together. Instead of being anxious pray about it together. Pray about everything and anything. This will also result to the peace of God in the marriage and home that surpasses all human understanding

2.   Everyone is saved in the home. Acts 16:30-32. Seek for the salvation of your children and spouse if they are not saved. The jailer brought salvation to his household. In a home where everyone is saved there is more assurance of divine protection.

3.   Keeping your home (self, Spouse, children & everyone) sanctified, purified always. Jobs 1:5. As the man of the home. Every father is by God’s design the priest, pastor, and prophet of his home. So you must always stand before God in these spiritual positions to make intercession, plead for mercy, and pray for the sanctification and purification of your marriage, spouse, and children (Eph. 5:25-28). You can do this by loving her as Christ does the church and by the word of God.

4.   Create and maintain an atmosphere of integrity, truthfulness, transparency and righteousness in the home (between you and your spouse, between the two of you and the children) Job 1:1-3; (having the fear of God). Lies should not be found in your month. Lies create a crack for the devil to operate in a marriage or home. Do not build your marriage on lies, but on the truth. That means you as the man must exemplify uprightness, integrity, truthfulness, etc.

5.   Build and maintain commitment in service to God and His temple (Jos. 24:15). A home where everyone chooses to serve God with all their hearts, God will always protect. You must be committed to the service of God. Lead your family as Joshua did to serve God. You should be at the forefront in going to church and be involved in church ministries.

A true life story of a family where the father most time will not go to church but only encourage the wife and children to go, and One day the son refuses to go to church and when the mum got angry and try to force him, he said men don’t go to church. This is because he has observed that his father does not go to church. That kind of attitude break divine hedge over a man. If you are not faithful to God’s business He will not be faithful to yours, even in protecting you.

6.   Make and maintain the word of God as the Centre and foundation and pillar of your marriage and home. Mt. 7:24-27. The word of God is the solid foundation for a protected marriage. Build your marriage on the word of God. It is a sure cover and defense when the wind blows, the storms comes, the rain falls, and the flood of life comes. The word of God must be the basis of everything and decision in the marriage and home.

7.   Build and maintain an attitude of giving sacrificially to God (His house, His servant, orphans, fatherless and widow). Acts 10:1-4. Your giving will stand as a defense for you especially in times of need, even the need of salvation and protection. (Prov. 19:17.) Giving to the needy is giving to God. When you give to the work of the church and mission, to the servant of God and to the needy you are building a hedge around your life and marriage.

8.   The man must lead in making sure these three Ps are built and maintained in the marriage. A. Pray together. B. Plan together. C. Play together as a couple.

9.   You must keep to the marriage covenant. (Mal.2:13-16) breaking your wedding vows is breaking God’s hedge around your marriage and home. God was a witness between you and the wife of your youth. If you must maintain God’s hedge around your life, marriage and home you must keep all times your marriage vows. I will encourage you to from time to time think about and renew your marriage vows.

10.                 You must diligently, devotedly, blamelessly, uprightly, and with the fear of God (Job 1:2) develop and continue to do the fore things mentioned above so that you will continue to enjoy divine protection and defense.

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