Saturday 9 January 2016

Heartbreaking Love Affairs You Will Ever Read

  Longing for someone or something can hurt like hell. In every possible way try to convince the other person that you wl are the one. Often it happens unconsciously. All manipulation techniques are drawn from the cabinet. You let yourself look your best. You especially makes yourself that they are not tricks. But if you look back, with a less rose-colored glasses, you often see that the reality is much more objective and is harder.

Somehow it makes sense. In the market for love is the price you have to pay high. You play with your own happiness with your beliefs. Your belief that the other person is your true for you. That you so well together. That your love is real and sincere. You want the other person close to you. Love him or her. Unconditionally.

But secretly you do have conditions on your love and your love is not unconditional. The other does not know about you, then you are disappointed, angry or sad. Maybe you can find him stupid. Or you hate him. Maybe you go to an interview. For the sake of peace. And for clarity. If love does not hold the same, the power struggle has begun. The power struggle of convictions.

Those who feel more love squeezes over backwards to be even more popular. The other person must and will love you the way you want. Whatever the other person finds himself!

You become smaller and smaller. Increasingly uncertain. Your self-esteem hangs by a thread. Texting or calling the other not return when you expect, then you fall into a dark hole. Maybe even into an abyss. It all appears to be a misunderstanding, you are again happy. There is a glimmer of hope that the other more of you are going to love. And now relish!

This is a painful form of love. Heartbreaking. And certainly not loving. Because no matter how loving you are to yourself if you constantly crave the love of these others? Until the moment you wake up and remember the words of John Geurtz from his book Addicted to Love. "There comes a time when you just feel too valuable to wait any longer and hope for the love of another."

What a relief!

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