Thursday 14 January 2016

What Makes a Girk Have Big Butts?

The hunger for a sexy round butt is the wish of many women especially those who have a flat, skinny rear end. Even some women who already have a nice full backside want to make it even bigger in order to look more attractive. The reason been that a big butt attracts a lot of attention, especially from men who cherish voluptuous curves.It’s in their DNA to be attracted to big wide hips and a round, full butt because back. in history it is believed that big butt is a sign that women could easily bear children which was a key indicator of health and wellness. 

How ever, it is good to let you know that a lot of guys out there are also attracted to petite women with cute little butts, probably like yours. A lot of it comes down to genetics and your overall DNA makeup.

Your body type is determined by the genes you inherited from your parents at birth. You can have a pear shaped body that stores fat in the butt or a body type that stores fat in the abdomen and hips. Even if you lose weight or reduce the fat around the body, the body type and shape remains pretty much the same. Genetics therefore play a role in the size and shape of your butt and other muscle groups. This is why you will find some women who have naturally bigger boobs or butts while other girls are flat all over. This being said, there are ways to help add size and muscle mass to your glutenous maxims but it’s probably not going to give you giant round booty like a Brazilian supermodel!

 Apart from the Genetics issues, there are Exercises To Build a Bigger Butt and below are some of them:

1. Jump squats – This is a great body weight exercise you can do anywhere to help tone up your butt. You should start by lowering yourself into a squat, then explode and jump straight up. Repeat the exercise continuously for 60 seconds and then take a 1 minute break.

2. Squats are the absolute best exercise to increase your butt size, period. They are a compound movement that overloads several different muscle groups including your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and lower back. Squats can be done using dumbbells or barbells and they are the #1 choice for your overall butt building workout.

3. Dumbbells – Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands and stand with your legs a little wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees ensuring they line up vertically with the toes. Squat down as if you’re sitting in a chair until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Push off with the heels of your feet and bring yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat for 15-20 repetitions.

4. Diet – The foods that you eat also contributes to adding shape and size to your butt. Since you are on the petite side, you will want to increase your overall calories with lean protein, clean carbs and healthy fats to provide the right nutrients to your body to help recover from tough workouts. Foods rich in protein include turkey, chicken, fish and eggs. Quality carbs include whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal and sweet potatoes which are great for energy.

There are so many of the above-mentioned exercises, if you will include some of these exercises into your booty workout plan along with eating a nutrient dense diet you will be able to reach your goals faster.

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